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The 20 somethings

 As a teenager, I thought my life was hectic, navigating the ugliness that came with puberty and not knowing why sometimes in my cycle I was sad for no reason or ready to fight anyone, why my bra size changed but my shoe size stayed the same, it was a hot mess. So I was ready to be an adult, to hit my 20s and have it all figured out. 


The 20s for me have been a bigger mess than any decade thus far. So we start with the early 20s (20 to 24) in these years, you don't know where you fully stand, you are too young for certain things but also too grown for a different set of things, and it is evident even in the way parents or guardians treat you, you are grown enough to work or be in university but get yelled at for missing curfew or even for dating (because at this age, school should still be your only love), so that ka confusion plays a number on you, am I an adult or in a trial run for being an adult? 

Your early 20s also see you losing friends, all of you develop different views, and growth happens at different levels, some are heading off to college, others university, others stay home, get pregnant, etc, so the transition from high school besties to adult besties sometimes never really happens (in some cases it does). Your early 20s can also easily be your make-or-break years, you have the power to mold your adult life in this period.

Then comes the golden 25, every girl's dream to get married age lol the lucky ones do, the rest of us just have fun and flow with the river of vibes and good times. 25 for me was a golden age, I was just fully getting my groove back, that was my year! I was doing good in this life thing. We expect to have figured most of our lives out by 25, a stable job, a car, and good savings, but unfortunately in this part of the world, we only start to rise at 25. Then the mere fact that God is not from our hometowns, we all have different life journeys, some friends are thriving, others are stuck, and some skipped college and got the man and kids, by the age of 25 you really start to see how life from a more realistic lens. 

Then we cross to post 25, the peak ages of pressure... ama "balefika lisa" or your peers are getting their Masters' Degrees, so and so got a Benz and ulya palya is on baby number 2. Then you are like Nicky, working a stressful job, juggling it with evening classes to get your Bachelors' Degree and find time to date, muli fyonse ifi. No lie sometimes ndakumbwa, like how is it that uyu wine umuntu twali bonse mu grade 12 their life seems well put together. But I am quick to remind myself that LIFE IS A PERSONAL JANEYY (JOURNEY). 

The 20s feel like a try and error phase in the adulting chapter. I hope the 30s are clearer. 

Thank you for reading 

Lots of Love💖

Thee Talkative Aries♈


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