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A lot can happen in a year

 Okay it hasn't been a year since my last blog post (10 months)... but you get the point.

Let's start by celebrating the fact that I broke up with my crutches and bionic knee brace, the good sis is back on 2s, just not with Megan Thee Stallion knees (there goes my video vixen career dream) lol. But truly, it still shocks me because it felt like a never-ending nightmare but God and the world's best orthopedic doctors came through..

Then I won a competition for a project I shelved years ago lol. Imposter syndrome will be the death of me.. I have a passion project I've been sitting on for years because I'm so afraid to fail, but my support system pushed me to pitch and I came out second and won funding for my project. While on this, let's just unpack how when you're supposed to do something it'll haunt you till you do it, like eh?? It'll pop up in dreams, your social media will be showing subs on it lol napapata give me chance to wallow or avoid working on it. But yeah, so there's been that. 

Thirdly, I think I'm now ready to fall in love 😅😅 like the gentle kind, the fun kind, the "we got this" kind, the kind that can handle my crazy because on some days PMS will have me crying for no reason or crying because Shoprite has up'd the price of Pringles lol. The kind that just springs up from nowhere but feels safe.. (wadabwa ka? I don't seem like a hopeless romantic? Lol ). But yeah, during my injury I pushed away a lot of people because I hated feeling like a burden to people, I hated the uncertainty that came with my situation at a point but apa??? Throw me in the deep end where love resides! I'm ready to camp there 🤭🤭. 

A lot can happen in a year, and grief did not miss the opportunity to creep in, some days I miss Ngosa, my brother was one of a kind, a comedian, the life of the party and everything in between. I also lost 2 loved ones that have played different but important roles in my life. I struggle with processing my feelings when it comes to death to be honest, the pain sits somewhere in me till a random Monday at 11 in Mr Price, I'll feel overwhelmed and cry (it's happened before). But thank God and science for therapy, what a concept!! Such an essential tool to navigating this life, loss and everything else thing. 

A lot can happen in a year, my childhood friends are becoming wives, mums, rising up corporate ladders, ouuuu it's so beautiful to watch. But where has the time gone? Wasn't it just a few days ago we were sitting in my room, as I cried from my first heartbreak?? Lol but I love to see the growth in all of us❤️

A lot can happen in a year, my degree journey is finally done (I have one course to redo) but like 4 years of juggling work and school is over.. just like that?? When I fell, I remember wanting to put school on hold, but my African parent wasn't having it and honestly I'm grateful for the fact that she wasn't because I'd have lost a whole year!

A lot can really happen in a year because I'm not the same person, I'm taking more risks, I'm stronger, more resilient,  still learning to take care of myself but getting better at it. Prioritising my mental health, reading my bible more (currently reading Psalms), dancing again, working on my Megan thee stallion body (without the good knees) and practicing gratitude in all seasons 🌼

Lots of love ❤️

Thank you for reading 


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