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Showing posts from May, 2023

Where I want to be

My first career choice was to be a doctor, I think it was heavily influenced by one of my mum's friends. The older I grew, I realized I hate the sight of wounds and blood makes me feel super icky. My second dream was to be a police officer (I don't know why or how), third and my all-time fave was to be a "Sister-Professor" ( professor and nun), being at a Catholic school had me thinking nuns were really cool and Professor Nkandu Luo being the first female professor in Zambia had me feeling like I had to be one too. Then at some point, I was convinced I had to be a Lawyer, my mother fueled it by addressing me as State Counsel, on the other hand, my gramps wanted me to be a broadcaster (journalist), he felt it was more me because I talk a lot and I think I articulate myself well.  Fast forward to now, I am a Public Relations student working in marketing and advertising, I think I like where I am, it's where I want to be that stresses me out. As a vision board hun, I

Me, You and Love..

 Roses are red, violets are blue, if I could choose who I want to do life with, I'd choose you!  LOL! Twale lemba ama love note ifwe, not even ati what! From my primary school days, I have always enjoyed writing, from poems to secrets in my diary, as age progressed we started ama love letter. Writing the note was often a walk in the park, because it was really just either about how much you miss the person or your depth of love for the (could have been like a cup of tea, milk, or as deep as the Indiana Ocean) you had to identify which one worked for you and your relationship. The hard part in this love note situation was finding befitting dedications (Ded-keys), expressing yourself in your own words was one thing but in song? That's a whole new level of everything. Are you going for Westlife? or maybe Massari's real love? Maybe something from BoysIIMen or New Edition (Writing that line has my age showing 🙈) but you get it. Music for me is a solid love language, the minute

Rollercoaster: Life as we know it

Nothing and no one can ever prepare you for adulting and all the drama it comes with. Don't get me wrong, it's not all bad days, best believe some of my greatest "Tadaaa" moments have been in my adulting years.  As I get older, one of my most consistent journeys is navigating the world from a different lens. I am walking, running, and flying through it all. Some days, I take it a step at a time, because those are exhausting days, I am just trying to get to my next step or my place of rest. Then we have the good days, where I can sprint through things, I have an okay amount of confidence to keep me believing, hoping, and achieving. Then I have those once in a blue moon OVER-CONFIDENT moments where I fly, nothing can hold me back, and no one can talk to me anyhow! I know my sh*t and I am doing it! That is a summary of life, it's a rollercoaster. Some days we're up, others we're down.. and on this part is where I slip in my favorite phrase "In all things