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Picking up the pieces

Today I want to talk about the time, energy, emotion, and everything else that comes with fetching your life. I am yet to stumble across a person who has never had to reset a certain chapter of their life, if you know anyone, please send them my way, I need to ask how it feels to be God's fave!
Every so often, I see posts on social media about how adulting is the biggest scam ever and I BELIEVE IT! When I was in primary school, I remember complaining about how I was struggling with my math homework, the long division questions got harder, and suddenly we had number lines and integers, not to forget my good sis BODMAS. Phew! I was a stressed-out kid. My Uncle once looked at me as I complained at the dining table and said "Kula umone", it didn't make sense then but now I totally get what he meant. I am living life at 50 "Yangu Tata Lesa's" per hour. 
So fast forward to this grown girl's life and I really just want to unsubscribe! Like I said in one of my previous blogs, the only thing fun about being a big girl is picking out my own outfits and eating what I want when I can (not want lol money is a factor). 
Movies show you how when a child hits puberty and they're having their first crush/ first relationship, parents are so invested and giving tuma guidance, some chaperone their children's dates and all that good stuff but where I am from, in the extremely African home I grew up in, you have no business having a crush or wanting to go on a date in your teens and sometimes early 20s. So this part leads to my bigger picture:
  1. We are never really taught how to start over, every so often we are taught how to either stay and deal with the cards we're given or to keep quiet and fake it till it feels or becomes okay. This is one of the biggest reasons I am occasionally a dysfunctional human being. We hate letting go or letting things break because we don't want to be associated with the shame of having failed or being seen as not strong enough to wait for the bad to pass. But just how long is someone supposed to hold onto things that aren't working out? .. Fear of the unknown also cripples us, we start to wonder if we are strong enough to start afresh, or if time hasn't passed "at this age I can't go back to school or I can't leave him we've been together too long". 
  2. What will they say? I have asked myself this question several times when I had to pick up pieces, be it in my school life, or in my relationship life. I wish I could say this still doesn't cross my mind, it's a pandemic and hopefully one day I will fight it. The people around us, our support system, and friends tend to have a large influence on our decisions, and every so often we base our decisions on the well-being or peace of others as opposed to ourselves. It's time to pick it up! No one knows what's good for you but you! Yes you have fallen and most times rock bottom is hard, but at your own pace, with your own plan and intentionality, PICK UP THE PIECES!
  3. I remember how good Jane looked when Tarzan would lift her from the ground and hold onto her as they swung from branch to branch, she was saved from gorillas and tigers (I think). But that's as far as fairytales go. In reality, we save ourselves, sometimes we are privileged to have a hand that helps us up, but help is only as active as you are. No one can forcefully drag you out of bed to go and resit an exam, and no one will grab your phone and type that "I can't do this anymore" message for you. They can simply try and help you see what needs to happen for the next chapter of your life to unfold, but if you don't pick up the pieces it won't.
We're in Q2 of the year, what are you afraid of letting go of? what is that thing on your resolutions you were supposed to do but still circling in the same cycles? It is time to pick up the pieces and move on, to the next stage, next season, next anything! PICK IT UP AND GET GOING!

Thank you for reading. 

Lots of Love 💖

Thee Talkative Aries♈


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