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On days like this...

 There are days when all I want to do is crawl into my bed and shut the world out... The days when you know you are not sad but you are not so happy either.. the kind where you either stuff every and any food in your mouth or you can barely go through a glass of water without feeling like you might puke. 

How do you get through such days? (I actually want you to respond). We all handle our meh days differently, and they are often worse to go through when you can't pinpoint why you feel the way you do. Get your journal and list 3 or more "pick up" habits you have. Read through them and see how many you actually use on days like this. Or if you use any at all. 

Crying is my go-to habit, usually the most effective and fastest way to get rid of a funk. Crying is such an art, I don't know where heaven got that concept but whoever came up with it deserves a house of gold on the diamond street in heaven. Imwe if I could, I would cry every day lol (just kidding) but hopefully, you get my point. A good cry is essential every now and then. 

Music is definitely second on my list. There is nothing more soothing or uplifting than music, it is such a mood lifter, a soul-searching trigger, a cry trigger and so much more. Music has no limits to how it can make you feel. Feel like jumping around and lifting your mood play Happy by Pharrell, feel like dancing play Love is wicked by Brick and Lace lol, feel like crying please play Jesus take the wheel by Carrie Underwood or Take me to the King by Tamela Mann (my fix it Jesus songs). There is a song for anything from breakups to moving on, to cussing your ex out or begging for them to come back. Music can make you fall in love or realize it's time to fall out of love. It is such a beautiful thing that even people in the Bible vibed to jams lol read David's Psalms or the Songs of Solomon (Tough lyrics). What songs help you when you feel off? Are you listening to the right songs for the seasons you are going through? or are you just listening because it's a fire jam ( I am not judging, I do it too). When you finish reading this blog, curate your uplifting playlist, so it's always available, there is nothing more annoying than searching for a specific song when you need to cry to it lol or jive to it. 

Podcasting, I am starting to regret that I stopped recording. As terrible as I was at being consistent, it was a platform I used to pour out... I think I might jump back in. I digress lol. Listening to podcasts is what inspired me to actually start one, there is an episode on everything and anything. It's simply about finding the ones that speak to your soul, the ones that are realistic, and the ones that help you grow and be better. The first podcast I ever listened to was Jesus and Jollof by 2 African-American Ladies (Luvvie and Yvonne). It was my introduction to a habit I have never looked back on.. ouuu how I loved it, then I jumped onto Podcasters such as Pastor Sarah J. Roberts, Jay Shetty, TedX conversations, and Therapy for black girls. These and others helped mold me and helped me realize the power of my voice and a microphone. Podcasts are therapeutic, they are lesson filled, and they can be funny, resourceful, and fulfilling, depending on what you are listening for. I often say this, podcasts saved me. 

Journaling... this one should be right up there with crying. As a kid, I always picked diaries when I went into stores with my grandma or aunties. I loved to write and trust me I wrote about everything (That's why they stole my diary in primary, refer to the blog titled Dear Diary for this story lol). I have journaled most of my life, so even when my therapist asked me to start doing it intentionally, I really had no problem with it because I have been doing it since my childhood days, the only difference is now less about which boys I have a crush on but more on why I feel how I do, how can I make it better and more details on feelings, reactions, self-introspection. Journaling is hard because it is being honest with yourself about life, what you may have done wrong, why it makes you feel how you do it, and what you could possibly be better. Imagine how you feel when people call you out on your BS, we often get defensive. But journaling involves you calling yourself out on your BS sometimes. Having honest tough conversations with yourself. On days like this, I write because I need to let out how I feel, and try to figure out why I feel that way and what I am going to do about it.

On days like this, for my religious folks, I pray. Because it gives me peace, a peace I can't explain.

On days like this, I do what I just did now... I write... I hope this piece helps you as it has helped me. 

Lots of Love💖

Thee Talkative Aries ♈


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