Life has been lifing lately (please don’t judge my wording lol). It has been a series of long days, I go to bed exhausted and wake up even more exhausted. Passion and drive have an interesting way of making you keep pushing even when your mind and body are telling you to pose.
Everyone has a life balance they are working through, mine is the “Work and school balance”. I am working from 9am to 5pm, then I have to be in class from 5:30 to 7:30 physically, from Monday to Friday. So my brain is practically functioning throughout the day, I sometimes fall asleep and I am awake in my subconscious wondering what is left to be done or what I’m slacking on.
In between work tasks and due assignments, pending tests and a failed attempt at having a social life, I am exhausted. Today I finally acknowledged my exhaustion because I found myself listening to Travis Greene’s Won't Let Go, and it was coming from the bottom of my heart because I am really contemplating which one I need to sacrifice. Do I go into full time school? Do I put school on hold? These 2 questions have been heavy on my mind but the same mind keeps telling me, we have made it this far, its Year 3, a few more semesters and you’re done.. This same mind is searching for what Masters degree we should get when we finish.
I am exhausted. I am tired but I have dreams and ambitions to pursue.
Just like me, a lot of people have so much going on, things we feel we need to do, can’t afford to pause or stop (and to be honest, I wouldn’t encourage stopping) but I do encourage resting. Not a single person is a superhero, we are humans and we require resetting every now and then.
I only realized I am burning out because my anxiety levels are at peak and I am easily agitated, this happens when my mental space is not okay, when my mental space feels blocked.
A lot of us look at resting as a waste of time sometimes, like I could be doing this or catching up on that, nah fam! You should be catching up on sleep or just sit down and reboot. There is nothing wrong with taking a break, refresh. You lose nothing.
Journal your worries, talk to your therapist or loved ones (I prefer my therapist).
Resting should never make you feel guilty, whether from school, work or life.. It is more than okay to take time off, to breathe, to pause, to allow yourself to feel like you again.
So today’s letter is simply reminding you to take that guilt free time off and rest. Chalo fye ici lol Kumulu takwa kabe ama job nama degree. Tusha mune! Rest!
Thanks for reading π
With love π
Thee Talkative Aries
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