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Showing posts from February, 2023

Gratitude in all seasons

 Anyone on my contact list knows I preach this everyday! I even adopted a flower emoji to back it up..  Being grateful seems really easy, it's a couple of warm fuzzy feelings, thank yous, accepting situations as they are. But no one ever tells you how to maintain a heart of gratitude during tough times. When I say "gratitude in all seasons", I mean all seasons, bad ones inclusive..  Last week, I felt the sharpest pain ever in my life.. literally felt my heart break. I lost one of my siblings, I lost my brother the one "I resemble". The one who loved me with the biggest part of his heart. I'm convinced I was his favourite sibling (but for the sake of the others, I'll pretend he loved us equally).  So here was where I struggled, one day I had to say the one thing I was grateful for, in the middle of mourning. Now here me out, there's nothing harder than trying to see good, in the moment of pain but I did it. I found what I was grateful for, I was grate